Unlimited food for free BUT
It’s only in the form of ingredients that you can cook with. The moment you buy something that is a prepared food (takeout, microwaveable meals, oven pizza, or spaghetti sauce) your ability to access unlimited free ingredients goes away. How long would you last?
Let’s say that ingredients that qualify are cooking products that have 2 ingredients or less. This means whole ingredients (like fresh fruits, meats, vegetables) are included as well well as some of the more simple kinds of canned foods (eg fish in tins of oil).
Other people can buy you takeout or can treat you to meals in restaurants, but you can’t pay them back in money. You could offer to cook for them in return, but you couldn’t do a precise exchange. If you get too precise and detail oriented with ‘borrowing’ and ‘paying back’ (eg, if your cooked meals become to monetized in these exchanges with friends, family, partners) the free ingredients go away.