Here's an interesting detail I spotted during the GEMINI mission.
While Beta and Aloy are manipulating the two blue data circles as the golden data stream was coming from the Cauldron's Core to the other Core, there are some intriguing differences in the way Beta and Aloy handled it. Beta manipulates the data circles with confident, decisive gestures, whereas Aloy's movements are uncertain and hesitant. She even glances over at Beta sometimes, almost as if she's making sure she's doing it right.
I like this little detail because it really shows the difference in the familiarity level between the two sisters when it comes to technology. While Aloy may have worked hard to understand Old World technology, Beta received an advanced education on the subject that makes Aloy's efforts pale in comparison.
There are some people who want Aloy to teach Beta how to hunt for the next game, but I don't think that's feasible because it would take Beta too long to reach Aloy's level. Instead, it would make more sense for Beta to help Aloy broaden her understanding of Old World technology because the latter is already familiar with it, so it would be more efficient for Beta to bring Aloy up to speed on anything about the Old World she missed.