A Beta moment that felt horribly relatable.
During one of Aloy's conversations with Beta, she starts asking her questions about Tilda and Beta's activities in the Data Channel. Aloy is just pumping Beta for information on Far Zenith that could help them, but there was this one moment where Beta starts talking about her favorite TV show and she even gets excited about this one episode until Aloy shuts her down.
On the one hand, I understand Aloy wants to beat the Zeniths because the fate of the world is at stake. But on the other hand, she could have been nicer about it and reminded Beta gently, but firmly, that she's looking for any advantage they can get to win.
Honestly, this moment stands out to me the most about Beta because I can relate to her. Whenever I try to talk about my interests, like Star Wars, at family meals my dad just tells me to talk about something else. Something that's relevant, which makes me angry, and I have to stop myself from getting mad at being shot down.
Now that I think about it, this might be why Beta is my favorite character. I haven't played Burning Shores, but I do hope in the next game Aloy spends time with Beta by listening to her sister share her interests with her joyously while smiling and nodding occasionally.
Despite my disagreements with my dad, I still care about him and I would hate it if anything bad happened to him.