How do I get rid of Mildred the deer?
When this deer first started showing up we thought it was cool. My wife called her Milly. It's super friendly and likes to be pet. We don't feed it and it doesn't seem sick. We think a neighbor bottle fed it as a baby.
Well now Mildred, as she is now called, likes to come by at the butt crack of dawn and terrorize our dogs. It runs around the dogs large enclosure taunting them. My lunatics go absolutely bonkers.
To try to keep the peace in the animal kingdom, I took the ring leader of my buffoons out on a leash to make introductions. At first things seemed to be going well as they sniffed noses and things seemed to settle. Then Mildred made a sudden playful movement, and ol toe bean and theethies got pissed. Mildred retaliated with a few punches.
No chance they will ever be friends.
I thought about waiting till November until I could legally eat Mildred and feed some to the dogs for all the trouble but it doesn't feel right.
I want her gone now.
When this deer first started showing up we thought it was cool. My wife called her Milly. It's super friendly and likes to be pet. We don't feed it and it doesn't seem sick. We think a neighbor bottle fed it as a baby.
Well now Mildred, as she is now called, likes to come by at the butt crack of dawn and terrorize our dogs. It runs around the dogs large enclosure taunting them. My lunatics go absolutely bonkers.
To try to keep the peace in the animal kingdom, I took the ring leader of my buffoons out on a leash to make introductions. At first things seemed to be going well as they sniffed noses and things seemed to settle. Then Mildred made a sudden playful movement, and ol toe bean and theethies got pissed. Mildred retaliated with a few punches.
No chance they will ever be friends.
I thought about waiting till November until I could legally eat Mildred and feed some to the dogs for all the trouble but it doesn't feel right.
I want her gone now.