Tonsil "infection" update + help!!

Hi lovely people,

I posted here 3 days ago about a possible tonsil infection.

for context, I was messing around with my tonsils, trying to clear them with my water flosser and right after I started having a sore throat. a painful one. It's been 2 weeks now!

yesterday I finally saw a doctor and he told me it's "nothing" and even though I can see a little white pus on my right tonsil, he said he doesn't see anything and that I should take advil and tylenol together (what?!!). He said my age is also not "strep throat" age.

Today I woke up with the worst sore throat and I've been suffering all day. I tried everything yesterday. my nose is runny too.

I drank throat coat tea with echinacea, goldenseal, oregano and usnea and I gargled warm water with oregano oil last night. I've been gargling warm salt water as well.

I had kidney infection as a kid and almost died so this is freaking me out a little...

any advice? any help?

anything is appreciated. thank you.