Tyler rumor
EDITED TO ADD A NOTE BEFORE READING THIS: I am aware that Tyler is playing four arena shows in NYC and two in Newark, making for six area shows, within two months of the festival dates. I am aware this would typically put him in violation of the radius clause that says an artist can't have announced shows in the area and be on the lineup. I am sharing this because it comes from someone who claims to have an inside scoop and has been right in the past, but it is JUST A RUMOR and could TOTALLY BE WRONG. Kthxbye.
Take this with a grain of salt, but someone in another forum who supposedly has some connection to or insight into Tyler, the Creator's camp has said he's a headliner here.
I have a really hard time believing this unless Founders has entirely thrown their radius clause out the window. *One* area show is usually enough to disqualify somebody, and he has six. This wouldn't be just breaking precedent - it'd be blowing up precedent into a million tiny pieces and shooting it into the sun. I almost don't want to believe it because it'll make the annual effort to guess who is and isn't playing much harder. :)
That said, the live music industry is in a weird place these days, and so stuff that worked in the past might be thrown out the window, now. And the chance to see him in a GA environment for festival prices would be a huge draw even with the multiple local arena shows this year.
So, I dunno. It's a rumor and unsubstantiated, but just putting it out there.