Has anyone ever experienced this?
Early this morning my 7 year old golden and I were sound asleep in bed when suddenly she woke me up because she stoop up abruptly and was teetering on the bed trying to stand up. I was scared she would fall off the bed as she seemed so unbalanced so I went over to her and noticed her eyes were moving up and down in a fast repetitive motion and it was like she couldn’t see me but could hear me because she kept reaching her paw out for me if I stopped petting her and stepped back to look at her. Finally it was like she snapped out of whatever happened and laid down, started to whine a little and wag her tail. I threw a toy in the air and caught it to make sure her eyes followed and she did so I don’t think she lost her vision. But she did pee the bed which is very unlike her she hasn’t had an accident since she was a puppy she was also let out right before bed and usually doesn’t need to go out in the middle of the night. My girl is a very noisy dreamer though she has very vivid dreams where she barks and growls loudly and even runs while laying down asleep so my hopes are that she was possibly sleep walking? I also noticed a neighbor dog was barking kind of loudly right outside my bedroom window upon waking up maybe that could’ve triggered his episode? She’s eating and drinking water with no issues and walking fine not unbalanced at all now.