Accra vs Kumasi 🇬ðŸ‡
Differences between Accra and Kumasi:
Accra is over-clustered than Kumasi Cost of living is killing the living in Accra On the other hand, Kumasi, is clustered too but not as much as Accra. Cost of living in Kumasi is not expensive.
If you love partying hard, then your destination is Accra Accra is more developed than Kumasi.
If you are a person who doesn't mind being overpriced frequently, then Accra is your place. if you want cheap stuff, Kumasi is your destination.
Accra offers more business opportunities than Kumasi. Most visitors are in Accra rather than Kumasi.
However, I assume you work remote with a good pay and so finding more opportunities isn't a big deal for you, then Kumasi should be okay.
Basically, Accra is like New York but in Ghana.
Considering the fact that you are in IT, I'd say Accra should be the place for you