Give me some niche games that you think are *excellent* but rarely get mentioned

I’m not looking for indie games per se, just assuming most niche/ less known ones probably are indie productions. Anything that got overlooked or overshadowed due to the release schedule overlapping with more famous games, or hell just because they never got that mass exposure. Or if they’re from less popular genres that just don’t have large playerbases overall. 

It’s a free for all pretty much, I’d just be thankful if you don’t mention *only* roguelites unless they’re really original twists on the genre (like Against the Storm being a roguelite/city builder or Sulfur being a shooter with a roguelite core). I’ve played too many of them last year and want something new to refresh my palate. Otherwise, give me any underappreciated gems of recent years that deserve more love. I prefer RPGs, turn-based strategy, and shooters with RPG elements, so anything like Stalker is a go.

Thankee in advance!