Sharp pain under ribs and trouble breathing, I wish I could just go to the ER
Food has been making me so sick that last week I finally picked up formula feed. It's just a brand of gluten/dairy free, low fat elemental diet. My god it made such a difference. It's expensive as fuck though, so I had to resort to eating food over the weekend.
And this morning idk what is going on, I was feeling mostly OK first thing, some nausea but I'm used to that. Then bam all of a sudden I start getting intense pain in my RUQ, under my rib cage. Moving or breathing deep hurts. And the pressure feels so intense, it feels like my insides are swelling so much they're pressing against my right lung causing shortness of breathe. I know it's not asthma, I can hear my breathe get raspy when my asthma flares. I've been using my inhaler the last week and it's made no difference either. It's also not my back, I've been stretching and massaging my back muscles and they don't hurt. The pain is definitely internal.
I feel like this is probably my gallbladder. I have been debating going to the ER but I'm too afraid to check myself in. I'm terrified I'll get blown off and sent home work no testing or help. If the pain gets worse or I start having more trouble breathing I will go. I messaged my mom this morning, wrong thing to do, she's still hellbent on convincing me im crazy so she was just talking about Labrador tea. So I feel even less confident about getting myself checked out because my own mother won't listen to or believe me. Also sucks that I can't even bring my parents to doctors to help advocate for me, there's no trusting them.
Idk what to do... the pain won't go away. I feel pressure under my sternum which makes me feel like puking. I need to eat but don't feel like I could get stomach a meal. I had to lie down on the floor for awhile, didn't help, and I need to get back to work. I hate being sick and disabled. I wish it was easier to get health care where I live.