Freemasonry and Christianity
Good afternoon Brethren.
I realise this subject has been touched upon before but I am doing some private research for my blog, which I hope you may be able to help with. As I am sure many of you know there is a suspicion of Freemasonry within Protestantism bordering on the disapproval. The Catholic Church goes beyond disapproval and officially prohibits membership.
What are your thoughts on this? Why do you think there is this wariness, disapproval and in the case of the RCC, prohibition? I have heard Christians claim that we 'deny the Christ' but I have never yet been given an actual explanation of the meaning of such a term. They appear unable to articulate their objections.
One objection that I have encountered and again, without a satisfactorily explanation, are our oaths. In some Christian circles there is a 'prohibition' in itself against the taking of an oath. Of course this leads to another question, what is the difference between a solemn obligation and an oath? A question that interests me greatly.
Finally I would like to know if others have faced any kind of difficulty or discrimination when attending a religious ceremony.
I thank you all in advance. Bro. Daniel B. Griffith MM. Mundy Grove Lodge #506 UGLE.