The questionable Sohei buffs

Hyper armour 400ms into his opener heavies and zone.

A rather unfortunate outcome for Sohei. Almost 6 months for this is just unfortunate. It’s nice but doesn’t address his main issues.

What i believe his main issues are:

  • Useless heavies, even with hyper armour. His zone is faster, has a far bigger hitbox, soft feint GB and does more damage.

  • Light/light and heavy/heavy chains. Just make his flow predictable and worse for the sake of making it worse.

  • Forward dodge heavy is useless. The light version has better tracking and is faster, and the heavy can’t be feinted to its so unsafe.

  • Very frame disadvantage on so much stuff. It’s on purpose which again just means it’s making him bad for the sake of making him bad.

  • His soul stab loses souls when interrupted. Shaman has a similar intended mechanic however, it’s 100000x easier for her to apply a bleed on someone than it is for Sohei to get all 6 souls.

The Solutions:

  • They want the heavies to be slow, so make them do 27 damage. His staff weapon should do normal damage while his soul weapons do the bad damage. Otherwise there is no reason to ever use his heavies.

  • Everyone has asked for this, but his restrictive chains make him clunky and feel like he has no options in some situations.

  • Forward dodge heavy becomes feintable or soft feint to GB.

  • Make it so he isn’t frame disadvantage on practically everything he does. He already has a small moveset, there’s no need to pile on to his existing flaws.

  • Doesn’t lose souls unless he actually deals the damage. This might be a bit out there but maybe give him that same armour that Black Prior has on his flip so the move can’t be interrupted but you can’t damage either person, so he can actually use it in team fights. (Kool idea would be that when his hand grabs the opponent’s face before the stab, everyone around him falls down, teammates included so everyone has to watch him and can’t do anything about it, making it really seem extremely powerful)

His new buffs probably won’t change anything