Future Patch Details Communication

TLDR at the bottom

I imagine most have seen the Warriors Den and were by no means blown away by the patch. It does seem that recently they have slowed down a bit with patches, have fewer changes or just not very big changes. However i think the worst feeling is getting hyped for Warriors Den patch notes to get hit with a couple tiny changes and call it a day, especially when there are changes everyone is expecting to come and then they don’t (VG and Sohei).

In my opinion, i think the devs are being a bit too safe with the balancing and it’s not ideal. VG has been in the game over half a year now and her very obvious flaws haven’t even been tweaked at all, expect for hitboxes in the patch. I like the idea of her all guard but why should she have CC on both lights and dodge lights and also have a 50% longer window for them to trigger (normal is 200ms hers is 300ms). Her anti-meta identity comes from her full block, the CC’s are there just because and are overturned.

Sohei has been in the game a for a full seasons worth of time and has had no changes. This bamboozled everyone on both patches. His kit just sucks for the sake of sucking. He still only has light-light and heavy-heavy combos, which i don’t get the point of. It seems to just make him more predictable and makes getting souls harder. His chain zone they said is very frame disadvantage, the reason, just because why not i guess. His opener heavies are just incredibly slow, and do less damage than the zone and have worse hitboxes so there is actually 0 reason to ever use them. 3 major issues that are purposely there just for sole reason of making him bad on top of his low damage, all because he has the potential to deal a lot of damage with his stab which is practically impossible to get outside a 1v1 and even then it’s a drag.

Many other characters are struggling like Conquerer, Gladiator, Shaman etc.

Shaman did just receive a change that doesn’t really affect her problem area at all and many seem to be unhappy with it. I welcome the change because i have waited for some kind of buff for years now but we will see how it plays out.

We need some kind of dev blog or something like Overwatch or DBD that gives us an idea of what’s coming soon or what they’re working on. DBD have been doing timelines for future changes and what months they’re coming and stuff like that is really good because it won’t leave you disappointed when reading patch notes. For Honor probably needs this even more because of how far patches are apart, we don’t get any small patches just 2 medium-big patches 1.5 months apart which is pretty long, so having some smaller patches in between could be really nice.

TLDR: Timeline like DBD for upcoming changes and more focus on glaring issues instead of playing it really safe by trying not to overbuff/nerf a character.