Fran…. Are you serious?

-I’m pretty sure people think you don’t hold your babies enough…. They are always in a bouncer or bassinet…. UNLESS it’s better vibes content✨ on snap, TikTok/instagram -Your kids heads are visibly flat, and yet there’s always someone with them, but you want the babies to sleep as much a day as a dog or cat. -your babies need you yes… more than you need 12-18 hours of sleep a day…

I love the pitty party act, when you have it so easy you have no idea what being a real mother is like.

-I’m pretty sure people think you don’t hold your babies enough…. They are always in a bouncer or bassinet…. UNLESS it’s better vibes content✨ on snap, TikTok/instagram -Your kids heads are visibly flat, and yet there’s always someone with them, but you want the babies to sleep as much a day as a dog or cat. -your babies need you yes… more than you need 12-18 hours of sleep a day…

I love the pitty party act, when you have it so easy you have no idea what being a real mother is like.