Dinner convos
They can’t wait to get drunk together. They talked about wanting to eventually get a night nurse and nanny for the day so they can get drunk together and then also not have to deal with the babies while hungover. I’m a little baffled by this as a mom. I can’t imagine doing that while having children. I understand wanting to have a date night and spending time together but I just find it interesting that this is something they want to do. However as long as the babies are safe, I guess they can do what they want.
Also they need to start doing some research. People are commenting that they think the babies have a dairy allergy. Fran says she doesn’t think they do because she cut out dairy for awhile but didn’t see a difference but also doesn’t think there’s a point because she’s still supplementing with formula that has dairy in it. Then they talk about possibly getting kendamil goat formula because Jesse says it doesn’t have lactose….news flash, it does. Plus most babies with “dairy” issues have CMPA (cows milk protein allergy) this protein is casein which is also in goats milk. They need to grow some brain cells and learn how to use the internet