Why do girls like to follow islam even if there are so many restrictions?

I don’t know but like since I was born n brought up in islamic family, everyone was a believer. (Me too), but as I attended school, learned more about religions, faith, fundamental rights etc I started questioning things. I didn’t wanted to cover my hair. I don’t wanna cover my body, I see my frnds wearing beautiful dresses they are non muslims and I feel I wanna wear them too. So like I actually stopped believing, I learned more and felt how islamic rules restrict you from even having fun and living life just because of a promise of afterlife. Why? Why no girls question it? One of my frnds even said that girls are lesser than guy and should not try to have equal rights. I mean I know physiologically we are different but that doesn’t mean I have to be in the kitchen. It feels so bad to see how little and grown up girls either get brainwashed or like forced to follow islam. Personally I don’t think anyone in their right logical mind would follow every set of rules that has been laid. I really wanna know why girls don’t raise their voices against these illogical rules or like just leave islam, I mean they will be more free . Even a dog has more freedom than a muslim woman.