Wife spent the night in jail

So - a few of you may have seen some of my previous posts highlighting the difficulties of my mixed faith marriage over the last 5 years since I 'came out' to my wife. Sadly, things turned for the worst over the weekend. Friday afternoon she saw my phone open to my reddit feed which includes faithful and non-faithful subs and other areas of interest. She was immediately triggered seeing some of the negative headlines and told me how uncomfortable all of that is for her. In short, she feels that I am choosing my obsession of church history/negative perspectives over her. My response is that I did not have a marriage crisis but rather a faith crisis. Reading reddit, going to lunch with new exmo friends is my way of processing and dealing with a very traumatic loss of faith - something TBM me would have never imagined. Yet, as many of you know, here we are.

Her discomfort turned into some heated exchanges. I simply held my position that mutual respect for each other and some autonomy is the best way forward. I respect her beliefs and don't criticize her for attending the temple or spending hours and hours on her calling. I even attend church with her to try and give her some support. But, her inability to give me space to 'look at reddit' etc. feels very one sided and that she is trying to shot down some of my own relief valves for processing. I would never ask her to stop reading her scriptures or skip church.

Saturday night, we went to a nice restaurant to have dinner. The conversation reignited and before the appetizer hit the table, she had fled the restaurant, grabbed an Uber, and went home.

I quickly followed suite, went home and didn't speak to her for ~18 hours. We went to church together the next day and didn't speak. I was waiting for her to say something. Nothing.

Finally, around 3pm Sunday, I ask if we're going to talk about it. I continued to hold my position of the need for mutual respect. Things escalated and she soon started moving out of our master bedroom to a spare bedroom amidst arguing her case that "you're choosing your obsession over me" and "I don't respect your beliefs" etc.

TW: Domestic abuse...

Finally, at one point in the argument, she came at me and started swinging. I'm 6'2" 215 lbs and easily blocked the few blows she threw. It was minor. But, it was the fourth time she's been physical with me. This time, I decided to call the police.

I didn't realize the hornet's nest I kicked over. The police saw the evidence (it was on my security camera) and almost immediately put her in handcuffs and took her to jail. She spent last night in jail. My wife of decades together and multiple kids/grandkids spent the night in jail and I have been feeling horrible for all of that.

I spoke to my therapist and a good friend who both believed I did the right thing. (The therapist has personally seen situations where getting physical can escalate to getting physical with a weapon/knife and has seen death as a result.) Fortunately, as a first time offender, she was eligible for a divergence program (basically some classes/therapy) and the charges will ultimately be dropped after 18 months.

She came home from jail this morning, grabbed some of her stuff, and is staying with her family.

I love this woman deeply - so please be sensitive to that with your comments. And, when church isn't in the way, things are GREAT. But, just like RMN "checking in to see if we're thinking celestial", the church is constantly in the middle of my marriage. It honestly makes me hate the institution. It has driven her into a cult mindset where ultimatums have been given on garments, what I can read, who I can be friends with, coffee, going to church etc. For a church that allegedly espouses free agency, its teaching often push members to do the opposite.

Anyway - I'm writing to vent. I haven't told my family or hers out of respect for her privacy so reddit is one of my few outlets. And, frankly, you folks have been there for me in small but meaningful ways. I'm horribly sad, frustrated, and feeling a bit lost at the moment.

Previous posts related to our marriage history for reference: