How to format zipcodes starting with 0


I am currently trying to aggregate a bunch of different zip codes (all of the US) as both zip5s and zip 3s (the first 3 digits in a zip code 5)

The issue is that when I have them in zip code 5 format and I try to either join or break them out into Zip code 3s the zip codes that start with 0 0 disappear.

Currently, zip5 is formatted as 00000, and zip3 is formatted as 000, so visually it's right, but when I try to do anything such as join them or grab the first 3 that's when it starts to 'break'.

Using the two zip codes in the screenshot as an example ultimately what I'm trying to achieve is being able to join the values without the loss of the 0.

01055 > 00504 and 010 > 005

But you'll see that in the screenshot while the zip code 5 and 3 are correct in the first 2 cells in the joined cell they're missing the 0s.