Vest recommendations
Hello my brethren, greetings and best wishes to all. I have found a new love for vests. Here in the good ole' US of A it is getting cold. Rather than my usual choice of full jacket for these frosty morns, I have opted for a different choice this year. Sweatshit+Milwalkee brand insulated vest for those 50-27 degree days. I can say I honestly fallen in love with the breast pockets, holding pen, pencil, sharpie, and sketchy branded but so far okay pen shaped multimeter. I was wondering, does anyone use a vest (Not shiney safety vest, but a regular vest) normally? I really like the pockets. If you do, what do you use, and what do you use through the summers? I'm in Tennessee BTW. Average 35 degree winter and 100 degree summer with high humidity that feels like 120 degrees.