Life is so much better now.
I never thought I’d be able to say that and really mean it. The few times I’ve tried to quit before I couldn’t stop thinking about having a drink or I was dejected at the idea of never being able to drink again and this time I didn’t feel either of those things at all. Like I have two white claws in the fridge since I quit almost 60 days ago and I haven’t really been tempted to touch them even on some not so good days. I guess you really have to quit at the right time. Like some locked door that only opens every blue moon and you have to run through it before it closes again. Anyone else know what I mean?
Life has changed so much for the better in other regards, as well. New role at a new company where I actually get up and get dressed-up everyday to go into an office instead of sitting at home talking to people through a camera in my sweats. I’ve gotten back to actually caring about my appearance, which is something that seemed so trivial to me when I was drinking all day everyday. I’ve lost about 10 lbs. My skin is clearing up from the post-quitting breakout from hell I’ve been enduring for the past month-ish. My eyes are bright white and not off-white and bloodshot! I was worried about losing my sense of humor since drinking always made literally everything funnier, but I’m surprised at how much I still heartily laugh at dumb shit.
Life isn’t perfect, and I still have things I have to get in order but it’s definitely so much better than where I was and I feel it will continue to trend way. I hope everyone is doing well and taking care of themselves!