Tomorrow makes Day 30 - Question about Sparkling Ice?
So I’m almost a month in and feeling really good. No cravings at all still, which is honestly shocking to me considering how much I was drinking.
That being said, since I’ve quit I’ve been drinking a lot more water as well as Coke Zero and more recently Sparkling Ice because I need the fizz. I’ve noticed I’ve been breaking out the past week and a half (which I never do) and upon further inspection it appears Sparkling Ice has Biotin as a part of their lineup of added Vitamins and Antioxidants. Can’t even take hair, skin and nail supplements because Biotin always makes me break out. Anyone else have this problem and/or have an alternative they could recommend? I really enjoy them because they hit that carbonated and fake sweet spot when I don’t want to be zonked out on caffeine all day.
Edit: Preferably pre-made alternatives since a bitch is lazy and doesn’t want to make their own 🥴