Is this depersonalisation, and will it get worse?
Ok so I only heard about DPDR recently, and I found I related to a lot of the symptoms, which I’ve listed
- Feeling like a passenger in my own body
- Feeling like person who does my actions isn’t me
- The feeling of watching myself interact with people, and like the person who talks and the person who thinks are not quite the same
- Don’t feel like I am the person in my memories
- just poor memory in general
- existential intrusive thoughts
- not seeing the person in the mirror as me (not so much a lack of recognition but just not who I am to myself)
- feeling like nothing is real (I used to get this but not for a few years)
- able to very easily get over grief/ deep sadness / lack of emotion towards these events when I remember them (but not general lack of emotion)
All this being said I don’t feel it particularly affects me negatively, I’m very introverted and am pretty comfortable with my own thoughts, even if they may not exactly be mine. Other than the existential stuff none of it really bothers me much, but I feel like it is getting worse and I wonder if it will one day?
For the record I’ve never done drugs and have no other mental health conditions. 19 M if relevant.
So is the DPDR, and should I be worried?