Is S7 making your CPU really hot?
Anyone else getting super high CPU temps this season? I started playing last season so I put a ton of hours into the game up until 2 weeks ago (I took a week break before S7). Temps peaked at 68°. I've never seen it higher through all acts + expansion + a few classes to 60. I remember thinking to myself many times that it's kind of neat how cool D4 runs.
Now, with the exact same settings, in the same areas, with the same frame rate, I'm getting peaks of 86°, regularly hovering in the mid 70s- low 80s in combat, even out of combat, on a low level character. Even just standing around in a town.
Does this season just run very hot? It's kind of putting me off because I have a personal thing where I feel uneasy when my computer's running hot and the fans are going off.