Can we stop crying about having things to do after 3 days?
Like my God dude. I’ve never seen so much self sabotage in a community.
One day it’s Diablo has no reason to play after 2 days of a season then the next it’s crying about not having the season pass completed on day 4 and whining about how long it’s taking to find the fugitive heads.
Like this is why we don’t have a chase.
We had uber uniques. They were waaay too hard to find at first I get that. But then people whined after their drop rate was buffed because it took a week to find one. Now it’s a day and you’ll have a few.
Now we even have a pity system for them. But uh oh! You have to play for more than a day to get the runes to craft the EXACT uber unique you need!!! Wouldn’t want more than a day to have the best items in the game!
We finally have a seasonal journey that takes a bit to do and has an amazing reward in it, we have a good reason to chase legendary runes, and we have a seasonal power that actually has a good progression rate with it, and next season it’s gonna be gone because of the crying and then those people will cry about how there’s nothing to do after 2 days of playing.
Just needed to rant about this and please Blizzard don’t listen to them. I love that there’s actually something to work towards. This season has been a blast so far and if I was already done I’d be so sad
Edit: there’s some confusion with people. I’m not complaining about casuals. We aren’t the ones whining about this. Blasters are. And the game isn’t bad. That’s not what I’m saying. This game is absolutely amazing especially once the devs stopped trying to cater to blasters. Just wanted to clear that up