“Autism ain’t a disability just a different ability” blah blah blah
Dhar Mann is seriously so annoying teaching this fuckin’ lesson about respecting autistic people. Autism is a disability, but that doesn’t mean you should bully people for that, and saying it’s a disability is not offensive either, for example is a person in a wheelchair disabled, or is a blind or deaf person disabled, yes they are. And autism is not a superpower that makes you smart, there’s autistic people who can also be overly slow with their stimming (repetitive tics and movements) which help with anxiety. Autism does not make you a super genius. Another thing is that the bully changes because of the help they receive from the neurodivergent person (which is something that always happens in DM) the bullies should be nice because it’s the right thing to do not because of the kindness coming back to you, which doesn’t always happen, good people and bad people don’t always get what they deserve (that doesn’t mean you should be a jerk) in conclusion autism does not have any perks, it’s a disability with lots of struggles and you should have empathy for them and always be kind. Shame on you Dhar Mann