I'm going both deaf and blind. I'm scared.
Edit: woke up so that's something I guess. I replied to some of you on my main by accident so uh sorry about deleting those comments lol
When I was about 10 I got told my vision was bad and my eye pressure was high. They didn't bother looking into that further. Years of this. Turns out I had early onset glaucoma and got my diagnosis at 12. Since I was 8 I've complained about bad ear ringing. My dad and mom were a bit too tweaked out and narcissistic to care. At 12, I was too told I had auto immune inner ear disease. I was told that if untreated I will go deaf and blind.
Doctors told me that with caution, medication, and properly managing myself I should see no more deterioration.
I listened to them. For 15 years.
I've had minor deterioration, but it was slow and unnoticeable. This past 3 months, I've lost significant peripheral vision and significant hearing. My periphery now ends at the corner of my eyes, if not slightly in front. I can barely hear my friends if they don't raise their voice.
I have spent that past decade trying to fight my depression. To counter my bipolar disorder. To keep my vision and hearing.
I'm attending university now. I no longer have to steal or assault people to make rent. I have a woman I love. I've tried being a good person, especially these past few years. It isn't fair. After everything I've fought against I'm still going to fucking lose. I'm not really a pessimist, I've always lived my life thinking that whatever I run into I'll be able to figure something out even if it's not the best outcome.
I genuinely don't see anything I can do. I don't even feel like doing anything. Why bother?
I've never been suicidal, but the idea of living a life without sight and not hearing anything but that incessant fucking ringing makes me want to tap out.
I have a handle of tequila in the freezer and will decide what feels like the best option afterwards.
I thought I had goals and dreams finally but it all seems to useless.