Coconut Crab is Not a "Tank" - Final statements

Couldn't fit it in the first post cuz there's a 40000 character limit >:l

Anyways, here's the original post

What will You Do?
So after viewing this post, however much you have, and making your way to the finish line, what will you do? And what am I expecting of you? I mean, I made this post with a full purpose, not JUST to rant, albeit with less unhinged-ness.
All I really wish for you to do is think critically about the info you're seeing, and don't encourage the creation of misinformation. Please, don't just mindlessly praise blatant misinformation because screenshots with fancy, half-baked text are deemed more important than what is actually being said.
Gaze beyond the veil, claw your way through the coral, and think about the truth.

I cast you outwards now, for as a community it is our responsibility to decide what we wish to cultivate and what we let fester. Will we nurture a foundation built on truth, or will we allow ourselves to sink into a pit of apathy and misinformation? The choice is ours to make. So I ask you, tread carefully, think deeply, and remember that every voice, including yours, shapes the tide.


Now, regarding my points today, what do you truly think? Do you see things differently perhaps? Do you agree, disagree, or care not? Do let me know please, for I value your opinions, even if it's just Reddit.

This took the effort of about 3 full days of concentrated thinking, typing, and researching. Something I am extremely glad to say I have thoroughly done. Yes, I likely made a mistake or two, perhaps I got a number wrong, I'm not perfect. However, I actually played the game for my research, testing out various aspects like Shark's boosting speed and Hippo's ability for example.

I owe my thanks to those on the Official Discord, or Deeeepcord as it is called, who helped me figure out important aspects of this post, answered my various questions, and donated their opinions on various topics.
And of course, I simply must thank you, my endearing audience for reading through this massive beast of a Reddit post, I think I honestly beat my Reddit yapping record today.

Even if you just read as much as a single paragraph of this, I am grateful that you gave this piece of trial and tribulation your time.

And For HairyComparison4969
If you happen to be reading this, I want you to know that, even though I have sacrificed essentially 3 days of my life to this post critiquing your series, I am not telling you to cancel the series. Rather, this post is meant to tell viewers, and you, what should, no — what must — occur and change for this series to remain an authentic and reliable source of information for players and Redditors alike. For the benefit of all and the prosperity of many, please do not allow this series to continue the way it is, for I, and I assume many others, would rather see it discontinued than forced to tread the dark path we saw a glimpse of with your post regarding the Coconut Crab.

If it does, you can be sure I'll be here, yapping to my heart's content, for a community I deeply value.