23rd “Fighting Hawks” are recruiting!

The 23rd FS at the 52nd Virtual Fighter Wing is currently looking for a few experienced Viper drivers.

The 23rd “Fighting Hawks” is modeled after the real life squadron who specialized in Suppression/Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD/DEAD) missions from the late ‘80s to the last 2000’s.

We are a EST (US) Milsim group that has a training program modeled after R/L USAF curriculum to replicate real life operations as much as possible. (Within the limits of being a hobby, and DCS of course). We fly realistic missions, campaigns, and joint operations with other like minded groups, such as Joint Task Force 501.

We’re looking for drivers who are :

21 years or older

Be able to make training/mission nights Tues, Thurs, 1930 EST (50% attendance)

Have a passion for Milsim and the process to improve their abilities

Own NTTR, Syria and PG maps

Experience flying in DCS, basic aircraft ops etc

Own a HOTAS and some sort of head tracking (TrackIR or VR).

Stop in at https://discord.gg/aRJQ9X8ruw for more info!