"What's wrong?"

This is driving me mad with a guy I've been dating. It's casual and has the potential to be more but he's constantly asking me "what's wrong?"

There is nothing wrong. It's my normal face. If there's something wrong I say so. If I answer that I'm perfectly fine he says "oh you just looked sad/upset/unhappy."

I don't think I have RBF but I'm sure my natural expression can occasionally wander into neutral-to-serious as I do not run around grinning like a chimp about to attack. This "what's wrong" veers uncomfortably closely to "you are prettier when you smile" territory. And if it's not that, the sheer number of times I'm asked belies deep anxiety on the part of the querent. We are on a date, not an amusement park ride. I don't have to be thrilled every second for it to be a success.

So please, if you are a frequent flier on the "what's wrong" plan, rethink this strategy. If you truly believe things are uncomfortably bad and your date isn't communicating, don't keep hanging out. If you are that insecure that they aren't orgasming spontaneously in your presence, stop hanging out. If your expectations include a wide, plastered on grinning expression 24/7 that's probably not going to happen unless you are dating some kind of creepy clown, and that might also mean you are about to get murdered, which is a bigger problem.