So impossible to date as an unattractive woman

Yeah sure, looks are not everything, but it's literally the first thing that men will look for when they're try to get to know someone, they's be like 'ok cute enough' now let's see how's her personality or how we vibe together. Can't really blame them tho because you have to be attracted to someone in order to pursue an interest with them.

Almost 28 years old now and so far I've only had 4 online relationships that always ended badly, I've met 2 but ghosted me after seeing what I look like in person 💀 1 give me an insane character development and this latest one left me with critical damage to my heart.

I feel like this is my peak of how better can I be, the skinniest I've been, nice hair, learned make up that suits me, dress very nicely, clear skin, have a job, no criminal record, volunteers at different conferences, have close set of friends. All of these but somehow not enough just because I'm not pretty, it's really hard not to feel bitter and jaded about everything.

I think I've followed most of the advices online, I tried to be more like this, be like that, have hobbies, be interesting..

Man, I just want to love someone and for someone to love me back, I want the feeling of being high because you're with your person. So impossible for an unattractive woman.