I am unable to use Primary Constructors
I am mentally unable to use the primary constructor feature. I think they went overboard with it and everything I saw so far, quickly looked quite messed up.
Since my IDE constantly nags me about making things a primary constructor, I am almost at the point where I would like to switch it off.
I only use the primary constructor sometimes for on the fly definition of immutable structs and classes but even there it still looks somewhat alien to me.
If you have incooperated the use of primary constructors, in what situations did you start to use them first (might help me transitioning), in what situations are you using them today, and what situations are you still not using them at all (even if your IDE nags you about it)?
If you never bothered with it, please provide your reasoning.
As I said, I am close to switching off the IDE suggestion about using primary constructors.