Having a very bad panic attack after speaking with a neuroimmunological disease doctor

Hi everyone, I am just going to skip to my initial email, and this guys response.


Hello Dr. XXX , I am reaching out to you from recommendation by Dr. XXXX.

My name is (Biznghast) I am hoping and praying you would consider taking some time out of your day to try and help me, and possibly save my life.

In August 2023, I became significantly sick with high fever from Covid-19. I did not require hospitalization, and treated myself at home. Over the next couple weeks, I began to experience significant symptoms. I began having rapid heart rate, especially upon waking, reaching up to 183 BPM. I also started experiencing multiple heart palpitations through the day. Following this, i began experiencing what i think may be some sort of akathesia, I began having intense electrical/ burning sensations throughout my body that were unbearable. Shortly after, I began having menstrual issues with very heavy clotting, size of a fist. Soon after this, I began experiencing the worst neurological/ psychological issues of my life. Looking around, I noticed the world started to look fake, flat, 2-dimensional, unreal. I started having terrible sensations in my head of burning and like my brain was going to explode. I started having psychiatric issues, such as being severely paranoid, severe onset OCD, anxiety, erratic behavior, not sleeping, sudden significant vision loss in one eye, complete loss of feeling on the bottom of my foot, and hallucinations. 2 Months after the onset of my symptoms I was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital for suspected psychosis. I was put on multiple medications including antipsychotics. I stayed on this medication while suffering greatly, with no improvement in symptoms. I have seen multiple doctors, who have done basic blood tests. I ended up getting a referral to a neurologist, who I asked for an EEG for suspected seizures. I got a 30 minute EEG which came back inconclusive as I could not fall asleep. I asked this doctor for a work-up of autoimmune encephalitis and he said he does not do this. My current symptoms include persistent headache and head pressure, derealization/ depersonalization (this is my most distressing symptom), psychiatric issues, memory loss, confusion, vision loss in left eye, numbness in left foot, eye floaters/flashes, palinopsia, complete out of body sensation (as if i can’t feel my body), severe OCD, rapid heart rate, sensory and depth perception issues, and more to name a few. My symptoms have not waxed and waned, and feel as though they are getting worse with time. I am being treated as a patient with anxiety when I feel as if my life is on the line. I went from having two businesses, and a mother of 3 young toddlers, to being bound to my house barely unable to function. I have been written off by every doctor and I am hoping you find it in your heart to give my email some consideration. I asked my GP for a referral to UW Neurology and I am looking for somebody versed in autoimmune encephalitis, as I suspect my issues may align with this. I would deeply appreciate a reply through email, or you may call at (XXX) Thank you so much for reading this, I am suffering greatly.



Hi (biznghast),

I am so sorry to hear what has happened to your health. I have heard from several people with a similar story to tell. COVID-19 has been a potent trigger, but I suspect other viruses/infectious diseases have been doing this to people for thousands of years. I couldn't know with confidence without seeing your test results but in most cases the disease follows this course.... An acute viral syndrome Active encephalitis or neuritis phase: During or shortly after the viral syndrome a person develops syndrome that is composed of one or more of the following, dysautonomia, cognitive dysfunction, sleep disturbance, tremor, fatigue, psychiatric symptoms (anxiety, OCD, hallucinations etc). The symptoms progress over the course of days to a few months.
Chronic phase: Symptoms may get somewhat better after several months or may persist. Some will improve completely or substantially. Others will continue to have disabling symptoms. During the course of the illness people are given multiple diagnoses or told that it is due to stress, depression or anxiety. Many are given a diagnosis or Autoimmune encephalitis, but this is inaccurate in the chronic stages. In the chronic stage people are suffering from symptoms due to damage from a remote encephalitis. Multiple medications are tried with variable success. What seems to be taking place is that there is damage in the nervous system that is either caused directly by the virus or by the immune system's dysregulated attempt to eradicate the virus. The damage to the nervous system takes place early on in the disease process and this can be thought of as the "encephalitis" phase. Following the encephalitis phases the markers of active inflammation (ie, Gadolinium enhancement on MRI, cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis or oligoclonal banding) will become normal indicating that the active inflammation has resolved, and the person is now entering the chronic phase. The symptoms persist despite resolution of the active inflammation because neuronal elements have been damaged and continue to dysfunction despite the inflammation having been resolved. Unfortunately, this means that there is no target for a disease modifying treatment and we are left using symptom treatment tools that are often disappointing. In this sense, it is a lot like having a stroke or a traumatic brain injury, once damage has occurred, there is nothing to do but support the body in it's healing process with nutrition, exercise, rehabilitation. A very similar phenomenon occurs in people who are diagnosed with "myalgic encephalo-myelitis" sometimes called, "ME/CFS."

We do not have good estimates about prognosis because there isn't a good classification of the disease and thus no databases tracking rates of recovery.

I would be happy to see you in my clinic at the UW MS center but I do not want to mislead you or get your hopes up. There are a number of neuroimmunologists who work there with me and we see cases like yours quite commonly. Unfortunately, most people feel quite disappointed to find that modern medicine has very little to offer to people in your situation. The scientists working on these problems have not yet come up with good theories about the disease and have not developed effective treatments. We are clinicians (as opposed to scientists) and we are not involved in the science of discovering the cause and treatment of these diseases.

Sincerely, Dr. (XXX)

I know he gave a very generous response but i’m having such a bad panic attack…. there’s no answer for this…..