Sekai Taikai brawl was ridiculous!
The huge Sekai Taikai brawl in part two of season six was just senseless violence. Like why did that happen????? Sounds like they wanna send the message that violence is the answer in this show. They had Miguel and Robby fight it out in season five to settle their rivalry, same for Johnny and Mike, and now we have the Sekai Taikai brawl just to up the stakes all of which seem to send the message violence is the answer.
So no one in the show understands the consequences of violence but then they wanna act surprised when someone dies. It was also very poorly written in addition to ridiculous. Possibly thousands of teens and adults combined yet no one has the maturity or common sense besides Daniel to understand that the brawl was wrong. Their integrity seems very selective. Somehow at the end after a teen lost his life, you wanna act like angels, like this tragedy came out of nowhere and no one could have seen it coming, the brawl was just dumb.
The writers clearly just want the brawls to get bigger and badder with every season. It is getting ridiculous now. The writers need to do better in part three in order to make up for that and wrap up this show in a well-written and meaningful way.