Spriest TBC Question
Hi Everyone,
Totally random and with plenty of time to think about it I’m curious of others thoughts. I plan on slowly leveling a shadow priest for TBC. I have no interest nor desire to play classic again atm just want to park a toon at 60 for TBC. That said, I want to level an ally priest, but cannot decide on race. I get different feedback on forums from the 2019 release of TBC so I figured I’d make a post.
Human - as or spriest the 10% in spirit seems decent overall especially as time and gear goes on overall. And early on and due to rep being a big gameplay loop of tbc the 10% in rep gains are nice to help with the overall grind. This won’t help much as time goes on. Desperate prayer is always good for PvP and pve.
Dwarf - Stone forms always great for PvP, but I honestly do not know how much PvP I will be doing in TBC. I don’t really have a desire to do arenas or BGs again this time around (unless guildies want to). And desperate prayer same as human.
Night Elf - this is one and most controversial one to me. Star shards being a mana free extra dot button makes in an interesting choice. While I’m not sure if it will added to the spriest rotation since I read “why Star shards instead of mind flay”. While sure it does not take on extra damage from +shadow sp it is a mana free dot with 15 sec uptime and 30 sec cd. Nice if you have to move to toss up for free damage. Additionally, do we really know if it’s a dps increase or decrease in all reality. Sims has them doing the most dps of all spriest, but again they are not brought for their insane dps.
Space Goats - while the 1% hit is nice there is almost a 100% chance you will have one in your party since shamans come to alliance. The Hymm is nice for more mana, but personally I’ve never been a fan of the looks of the race personally so I do not really plan on this being an option.
In closing 1. Thank you for reading this inner monologue, and 2. Leave your thoughts on which you think I should roll. While the whole “play what you like the look of” is true here I’d also like to play something that is useful. Fear ward being given to everyone makes dwarf less necessary. Again, I do not really play to do anything important in Vanilla just level and park for tbc. Mainly my top 3 are human, dwarf, and NE for visual flair it’s more of what would be the best of those.
Thanks and cheers!