Endgame goals for solo players.

Hi guys I’m pretty new in WoW, played some retail a few years ago but never finished leveling a character. Now I started classic on the anniversary realms as a gnome mage. My main goal is completing as much world quests as I can and to discover the maps of every area. I’m currently in duskwood at level 29 and finished every lower level area (except dungeon quests which I will do once I overleveled enough to do them solo and the areas between undead spawn and arathi highlands cause I can’t get there comfortly), switching between eastern kingdoms and Kalimdor whenever a zone gets white quests.

Now Im thinking about things I could do once I finished all quests in the zones (except quest for dungeons I can’t overlevel and do solo).

I know about the winterspring frostsaber. Are there some gear pieces a (frost)mage would want which can be aquired solo?

I’m asking this because I read about the Atiesh staff and looking for a similar grind but for solo players cause I could never be a important person in a guild since my real-life skills are 10/300 skill in any competitive game, 0/300 self-confidence and 5/300 social skills.

Thanks in advance for any tips how I could continue my journey in the end and good luck questing, raiding, grinding or whatever your doing.