What is the general consensus on the population increase?

I’ve found it interesting so many people have been moving to Chilliwack in the past few years. I’ve been here since 2008, and seen my fair share of the City change. When I visit family members they often tell me of how many people they know that are planning to relocate here. Why is this? Simply because of the housing market, or is it more complex, perhaps a smaller town seems more inviting?

I’ve enjoyed my quiet life here in an agricultural setting so far, and I certainly noticed a population increase since 2016/18, so I got curious and searched for some stats. I’m also wondering what the general consensus of Chilliwack residents is.

Another thing to note, is the discrepancy of statistics. The first image is pulled straight from Statistics Canada. The second image is from the City of Chilliwack, and the estimates are much lower. Does the city have a plan to accommodate a growing population? I haven’t seen much improvement in terms of road infrastructure, housing, clinics, or the hospital. I understand Chilliwack is hardly the first or only town experiencing this, but I haven’t heard much from City Council on this subject.

I’d love to heard your input!