I need to consider getting sterilized as soon as possible now? :(

Context: I am a 27 cisF/AFAB person who is asexual and currently single and celibate. I also live in Oregon and have private employer-provided health insurance but may or may not still have OHP (ambiguous health insurance status).

My original plan was to wait until menopause when my ovaries have tapped out hormonally to have all my reproductive organs removed in a one-and-done radical hysterectomy and bisalp-oophorectomy (basically take out all my reproductive organs in one abdominal surgery).

Given the possibly precarious state of reproductive rights at the moment...should I start considering getting sterilization procedures on a sooner timeline than I originally intended and/or expected? I'm especially concerned about sterilization access given my age (27) and the fact that I'm a single celibate asexual and have no apparent immediate need for contraception.

Edit: Well...the consensus appears to be the conclusion I think I knew deep down at first but didn't want to rush into panicking. Thank you all, and for the kind words included in your advice. Looks like I'll have to figure out my insurance status first, then start contacting providers, and also figure out my work's medical leave policy. I was also kind of feeling guilty because I've never had sex and don't ever plan to (...voluntarily at least :( ), and was kind of thinking to put myself behind in line and triage for other women/afab people who do have sex and have more urgent need. I'll admit I still have some of that guilt, but I definitely am going to start making arrangements as soon as possible. I think it'll still take time for me to get to my actual procedure. People have also been very helpful with other suggestions too, like having a supply of Plan B or having a male acquaintance pose as my boyfriend if I need to "prove need"...factors that I cannot believe I have to even consider on top of trying to plan a sterilization. But in short, thank you all, and I hope that things don't turn out very bad for us all.