Rejected sterilization request again. Think I'm gonna give up for now.

I'll fall in line. Do what they want me to do.. whatever. Fine. I'm a stupid woman who doesn't know what they want, appearently.

Calling me "smart as a tack" for a 20 year old doesn't mean shit if you still don't believe me when I say I don't want kids, BTW.

Either way. I went to a sterilization consult today. First doctor I went to rejected me, and I had high hopes for this one. There wasn't much info on the CF doctors list, but someone said they got sterilized by this doctor at 22. At 20 now, I was very hopeful. Last doctor said my age was a reason to turn me down, so I thought this would go way smoother. I brought my documentation aswell. I brought all my rationalization on those papers. Why I don't want other forms, telling them I know the surgery is permanent. Low percentages of regret per the studies. Why I don't want iuds and why I don't want nexplanon. I had it all typed up and ready to go.

Didn't get to use it. The nurse practitioner asked for my reasoning and I gave it, and showed her the papers aswell.

He comes in, gives me a pap. He told me no one will approve me at this age or 21 even. He told me it is legal to do so, but that nobody would. He told me he's a lawyer, that he used to work in medical malpractice. Talked about lawsuits due to this stuff. I thought bs obviously. If I consented to surgery and he didn't do anything wrong, I have no grounds to sue. That's just how it works. But whatever. He's the surgeon.

He got blood to test for some things due to my nexplanon. He said the same thing the last lady said. They'd like to "build a relationship" with me before doing such a surgery. He said he wants there to be a record of me wanting this before he does it without knowing me. He bingoed me just the once. Mention of other patients who asked for tubal reversals because they now wanna try for a baby, applying that stuff to me.

Either way, I didn't have an opportunity to tell him any of my reasonings. He even said during his speech that he wanted me to "make an informed decision". Which.. I am. The lady practitioner was nice enough to copy my rationale papers and put it into my chart. Basically to help me out since it's in my records now.

Don't know what to do. He suggested Skyla, an IUD.

Yea. Whatever. I'm in the deepest southern state and I can't afford or have the means to travel to someone who will approve me on first appointment. So, guess I gotta go this route. We can waste eachothers fucking time, then. I tell you the same thing every appointment. I get an IUD like you say. I tell you I don't want it while I get it anyway. I tell you all the symptoms of me hating it until you can't stand me asking anymore and finally fucking believe me.

Oh how I love having a uterus.