Has anyone given birth with ME?
I (32f) have always wanted children but have been sick with mild/moderate ME for four years. I'm wondering if, should I get pregnant and give birth, there is a possibility of my child getting ME? Does anyone have experience with that?
I'm also wondering what the potential impact of a pregnancy on my condition would be. Did those of you who did get pregnant while having ME experience a worsening of your condition? Giving birth must be amongst the most exhausting experiences one can go through.
Also, how is it to raise a child while being sick with ME? I'm worried I might not be able to give the child what it deserves.
It really sucks to have to think about all these things when it should be a positive step to start a family.
EDIT: Thanks for all your replies and insights! I forgot to add to my original post that I'm NOT considering getting pregnant right now (thanks, brian fog). I'm aware that I'm currently too sick to do a baby justice.
What I am considering is social freezing and my post was aimed to gain some insights into as to whether it's worthwhile to do that since I doubt I'll ever be 100% cured but wanted to keep the option. I was also interested to see if others who gave birth "transfered" their ME to their baby.