New psychiatrist is pulling me off of Wellbutrin and said I never should have been on it
I have been diagnosed with BDD (body dysmorphic disorder) and ADHD. My original psychiatrist put me on Wellbutrin. I started at 150mg and had no side effects but also didn't notice any changes. After a month my psychiatrist bumped me up to 300mg and I had a terrible reaction. My brain fog and memory loss was out of control, I started having more panic attacks, terrible headaches, nausea, vomiting, and extremely dark thoughts that l'd never had before. I just had my 3rd check up with my psychiatrist after 2 months of being on 300mg and I expected her to take me back down to 150mg or try a new med but she said to stay at 300 and tried to add another anxiety med in tandem with it. Each of my visits with her only lasted 10-15 min for what was supposed to be an hour long session and I felt like she was just pushing whatever on me so she didn't have to deal with me anymore but I didn't know how to push back.
I talked to my therapist after my most recent appointment (who is part of the same company as my psychiatrist) and she immediately wanted me to switch psychiatrists and put in a new referral for me to someone she said she really trusted with her patients.
I spoke with the new psychiatrist today and it was like night and day compared to the first one I had. She talked with me for over an hour to get a full understanding of my personality and condition and she said that I never should have been put on the drug. She said if you are the type to shut down and stay in your room alone when you're upset (which is what I do) vs getting highly emotional/angry that Wellbutrin will only put you in a deeper pit of isolation and depression which is exactly what it did to me. She also said that my original psychiatrist should have taken me off of Wellbutrin the moment she heard the extreme side effects I was having. I am now starting some new meds, but just wanted to share this with others in case you're wondering if you should stop taking this medication as well.
I really hate confrontation so it was hard for me to question my original psychiatrist when she tried to keep me at 300mg. I'm glad my therapist helped me, but I just wanted to come here and share this. Make sure you advocate for yourself in your medical journey 💖