Advice on tongue and lip tie release

My EBF 8 week old and I have had some issues with breastfeeding from the beginning.

1) Shallow and weak latch. I have to sandwich my breast every feed in order for him to latch on right. I also have to hold my breast in place or it will often fall out of his mouth.

2) His top lip is tucked under no matter how I try to flip it up

3) My nipple is lip stick shaped after feedings and white on the tip due to poor circulation. This is causing me to have vasospasms after feedings.

4) My son is hungry every 1 to 2 hours sometimes even more all day and night

5) Nipples are sometimes raw and cracked after feedings

6) His milk tongue won’t go away

7) I can only nurse him in cross cradle or cradle positions or else it’s extremely difficult to get him to latch correctly and stay latched.

8) He swallows air quite a bit

Despite all this my son has been gaining weight and is slightly above the curve. He is usually very peaceful while nursing and often falls asleep at the breast.

I’ve seen a LC who referred me to a pediatric chiropractor who checked my son for ties. She found an upper lip tie and my LC says he likely also has a posterior tongue tie. Both of them have recommended I look into getting them released.

They have brought up the issues ties can cause in the future such as speech issues, neck tension, and development issues. They also told me that with his ties preventing him from transferring milk effectively, it can affect my supply and ability to keep nursing him in the future.

I hate pumping and have had him on the breast exclusively since his first week of life. I planned to breastfeed him as long as I can. My goal is to 2 years old. I’m very afraid that if I don’t take action soon I may ruin my chances to reach my goal.

On the other hand, I’m terrified to put him through a procedure that could be unnecessary and could also jeopardize our breastfeeding journey. Not to mention the cost of the procedure.

If anyone has experienced the same breastfeeding troubles as me and was able to find a solution or if you went through with the lip and tongue tie release, please share your experience or give some advice. I would really appreciate it.