Refusing Tamoxifen

Hey everyone. Would anyone be willing to help me calm my anxious mind?

Was diagnosed with stage 1 IDC in July. Had lumpectomy then double mastectomy to implant as a massive preventative move. Sentinel lymph nodes were all clear, margins were all clear thank God. I have a ton to be thankful for. However, I had the flavor of cancer that uses estrogen for fuel (sorry, I can’t remember all the terminology) and I’m BRCA2 positive.

All the chemo docs recommended chemo for four months, then tamoxifen for five years. However, I refused both for two reasons: 1.) I’ll be 34 this year and would like to have kids before I’m 40 2.) I don’t have insurance coverage for egg retrieval and chemo would snuff out my fertility according to one doc

Has anyone be recommended tamoxifen but refused? Could you share your success stories to help me be reassured I’m not being selfish and/or stupid?

Thanks in advance.