The Season 2 Maps Are Surprisingly Exceptional

Dealership is easily the best map in the entire game. The map flows incredibly well, the lanes are defined, there’s a clear sense of power positions, and there’s an abundance of great sight lines and angles you can play on. The placement of cover is almost perfect, allowing for intelligent, adaptable players to excel. Both Hardpoint and Domination play brilliantly. It feels like something we would’ve received during BO2’s run.

Bounty isn’t quite as great as Dealership, but the map’s excellent cohesion with BO6’s mechanics more than makes up for that. The layout takes inspiration from Vault, arguably the best launch map, in that there’s one central hub area with plenty of pillars and tight corners to hold, surrounded by several vertical points of contention. The lanes on this map are structured incredibly well, allowing for some flexibility and fun rotations. On top of everything, it’s absolutely beautiful to look at. All the vibrant, regal colors, paired with the gorgeous views of the city makes for an unforgettable setting.

Lifeline, for a map that should feel braindead, actually has fare more depth than you’d initially think. There are three clear, definable lanes that can be contended from either side. Each end of the boat is designed in a way that provides good cover and sightlines that allow more defensive playstyles to excel. The map plays incredibly similar to Nuketown, just on a slightly smaller scale.