Engagement Photoshoot Outfit Opinions?

We're having our photoshoot in a park in Wisconsin (pictures below) on Sunday evening. I'm struggling with what to wear. I want to wear one my maxi dresses that I never ever get to use. Both dress options are pictured below. My fiancee is wearing jeans and a flannel (besides a suit, it's the best clothing he has). I could wear more casual clothing, I have a couple of button up plaid shirts which look like flannels but aren't soft and warm, and I have jeans, but I do really love these two dresses and I want to wear them, IF I can make it work. It'll probably be about 40-55F outside. I think I'll be cold in anything I wear tbh. I'm leaning towards the blue dress since it's not patterned, but not sure if it will work with fiance's outfit or with the location, and the v-neck goes down pretty low so I'll probably have to adjust it a lot (not crazy about the idea of my family seeing too much here lol). I do really love the pink dress too (with or without the sweater), I just don't know that it'll work for photos. I'd rather not change mid-shoot (because where would I do that), but I'm bringing backup options just in case. Any thoughts on what my main outfit should be??

One spot we're looking at using

The coloring that another spot has (but not the spot)

Dress option #1

Dress Option #2 On Me