I regret stopping BC

I started taking BC pills when I was 16, and I used them until I turned 26. That’s 10 years on the pill, and I never experienced any side effects—except maybe towards the end, with vaginal dryness and low libido, and this is the reason why i stopped.

It’s been 4 months since I stopped taking the pill, and honestly, I don’t feel better. The dryness is gone, the libido not much better, but I feel tired and drained all the time. I have hormonal fluctuations that I don’t like, sometimes making me not even want to get out of bed, or I immediately wake up feeling anxious. I wake up nauseous at least a week before my period.

And honestly, it feels like I have even less energy now than I did when I was on the BC. I’d love to know if anyone else has been through something similar.