Weirdest postpartum symptom?
I'm convinced I'm experiencing the weirdest pp symptom and wondering if anyone else is also suffering from this out there?? Every time I lie down flat with my eyes closed, a few minutes later I get the sensation that someone is walking on the floor. I can feel the vibrations of the soft thudding of footsteps walking around me. At first I thought it was maybe my husband in the nursery walking around the room rocking the baby, since our bedroom shares a wall, but after one night of particularly persistent walking (and me thinking man he's been rocking her forever what is going on!), I checked on them and they were both sound asleep. So it's not anything around me that I'm actually perceiving. It ONLY happens when I lay down. I know it's not a ghost because the sensation followed me when we traveled for Thanksgiving (haha ok sort of silly, but I was seriously panicked that it might be a ghost!). What on earth is this and is anyone else experiencing the same thing???