can't log in to bereal
I am in the UK and took my bereal at the time it went off today but noticed it was taking a while to post. I decided to leave it as it often takes a few minutes to upload for me but when I returned after around twenty minutes it had still not posted. So then I decided to googled why it may be taking so long and found my bereal app needed to be updated however after I updated it, the app didn't open at all so I tried uninstalling it and then reinstalling it which worked. But now when I enter my details and phone number in attempts to log back in it says 'SMS failed' or 'invalid phone number'. I noticed alot of people on here having the same issue with their bereal taking a while to upload; could this be related to why I can't log in? (Sorry for waffling so much lol)
TL;DR: I uninstall bereal when the servers were down (I think?) and now I can't log back in despite entering all my previous info.