Wintr’s race

I seriously don’t understand how wintr get so much hate for her race. Why is it everybody’s business if she’s half black? I definitely understand where winter is coming from as somebody who is also mixed everybody even growing up used to tell me that I didn’t look my race and it’s so frustrating because who the fuck do you think you are telling me who I am. Not to mention the fact that you already feel alone because you don’t feel welcomed in either community. And I’m not saying everybody goes through this. I’m just saying I feel and understand where wintr is coming from. It doesn’t matter if she’s any race it’s nobody’s business but hers and it shouldn’t anger as much people as it does. She’s a beautiful mixed woman and the fact that she always has to talk about her race is extremely annoying. And I think a lot of it has to come from people just hating her from the “bad girls club” days so they just pick and poke anything having to do with wintr because she used to be a bully. But what the hell does her race have to do with her being a bully I can see if she was lying about being white or black or any other race but she’s not. She should not feel the need to explain her business to anyone, but she does because she continuously gets bullied online for it. And maybe this is just my opinion and nobody else feels the exact same way as me but mixed women please stand up. Do you guys feel this way too? I know a lot of mixed people who feel the exact same way and it’s not an amazing feeling because you don’t feel welcomed by anyone. Let me know what you guys think. (Also I’m sorry if anybody has already talked about this topic on this page I’m new here, but I have always known and supported wintr even before bgc and i love the pod).