I'm noticing more reckless driving

So today two women and I waited until we got the light to cross the crosswalk and when we were in the middle of the crosswalk, a car made a turn and almost hit us. We had to run and the driver was a young woman talking and laughing on her phone and she didn't even bother to stop or slow down or wave sorry. One of the other women who was running to avoid getting hit had to stop when she got to the other side to hold her chest and take deep breaths to calm down because she had just recovered from being hit by a car in the same way recently. You can blame it on cell phone use, but cell phones have been around for a long time and I've only noticed this kind of reckless driving in the last 2 years. Today was the fifth time I was almost hit in the crosswalk in the last 2 years. I wasn't even freaking out because I've gotten used to having to run to avoid being hit. I mean this is nuts! I have lived in the Bay Area for decades and this has never happened to me until the last two years. If I'm doing something wrong then this would have happened throughout the years, not just 2023 to 2025. I actually found a study that says in CA traffic fatalities have increased by 22% and the possibility of a fatal traffic accident have increased by 28%. This might be due to neurological damage from covid infections (source below). Anyway, I'm just telling you all this to warn you to be careful while driving and while walking.
