I hate it here
Guys I fucking hate my roommate, F. He used to work with me and my other roommate, A, and then right before we moved into our place he quit his job and didn’t have one for a few months. he didn’t have any money saved and basically couldn’t pay any rent or utilities until weeks after they’re due. He also didn’t supply ANYTHING for the place — me and A furnished it, we own all the pots, pans, silverware, cups, plates, bowls, bath mats, sponges, TP, paper towels you name it. He is utterly useless. And he doesn’t CLEAN. I have cats so I do a lot sweeping and mopping and I don’t mind, but he doesn’t do a dish, he doesn’t clean common areas, he DOESNT DO ANYTHING. And it would be one thing just not to clean, but he makes a fucking mess everywhere he goes.
our rent is $1740, and me and A pay an extra $35/month for our cats. We mail in our rent check every month. A normally does it but I did it when she was out of town. F would always send his payment split up between cash and Venmo but I always assumed he was sending the right amount, which was stupid of me. I finally did the math this morning and lo and behold he’s been short, so I sent the text above. He comes into my room screaming about how he doesn’t have a job anymore and we should’ve noticed sooner, which I agree I should’ve noticed sooner but he should’ve too? Basically saying he doesn’t feel like he should have to pay it back cus it’s too late. Am I inane for thinking otherwise?? Idk guys he’s literally the fucking worst, I attached a pic of his toothbrush to show how fucking nasty he is. I can’t wait to move out